Cerit Wind Power Plant Substation Automation

Projenin Gücü Power of the Projects (kWp)
Yıllık Enerji Üretimi Annual Energy Production (kWh)
Hane Tüketim Karşılığı Household Consumption Provision
Kullanılan Panel Sayısı Number of
Panels Used
Engellenen Karbon Emisyon Miktarı Amount of Carbon Emissions Avoided
Devreye Alınma Tarihi Commissioning

154 kV Air Insulated Substation, Capacity 75 MVA, 25 Wind Turbines, 154 kV: 1 Line Feeder, 2 Transformer Feeder, 1 Coupling Feeder, 34.5 kV: 7 Turbine Incoming Feeders, 2 Transformer Feeder, 1 Coupling Feeder

Scope of Works

-HV Relay Protection and Control Panels, RTU and Communication Panels, LV Distribution Panel - HV Relay Configuration and Parameterization - All Protection and Control Panels, E-plan Design - ABB Relion 650 and 670 Series, Relays and BCU, MV ABB REF615 Relays, MV Siemens 7SJ80 Relays - ABB RTU560, IEC101 with TEIAS National Control Center Communication - ABB MicroSCADA, HSR System, IEC 61850 Communication - Primer and Seconder Equipment, Test, Commissioning and Trainings - Wind Monitoring and Forecasting System